Tiffany Cabán
Candidate for District Attorney, Queens County, NY
Real Justice PAC proudly endorses Tiffany Cabán to be the next District Attorney of Queens, New York. Throughout her professional career, Tiffany has used the law to advocate for New York City’s most vulnerable communities. While working tirelessly on behalf of her clients as a public defender, Tiffany saw firsthand how the criminal justice system is rigged in favor of the wealthy and powerful, and against the interests of everyday people.
Queens is the 11th most populous county of over 3,000 counties in America. It is also the most ethnically diverse large jurisdiction in the country. But Queens residents haven’t had the chance to vote in a D.A. that reflects their values, because the current District Attorney, who will soon retire, has been in office for over a generation. That’s why Tiffany is such a critical voice.
As a queer Latina from Richmond Hill, Tiffany has seen the justice system turn its back on marginalized communities. We support Tiffany because we believe that she is the person who will fight the hardest to create a justice system that works for all of us. Tiffany’s vision for creating truly safe and strong communities calls for using incarceration only as a last resort, and diverting scarce resources to increase the treatment, services, and support people need to stabilize their lives and prevent future harm.
After years of fighting on the frontlines for her clients, Tiffany Cabán is running for District Attorney because Queens deserves to have an elected prosecutor who will treat everyone with dignity and respect, and ensure that the office is a tool for transformational change in our justice system. And we are fighting with Tiffany because she is the transformational leader that Queens needs in the prosecutor’s office.