Rachel Rossi
Candidate for District Attorney, Los Angeles County, CAReal Justice PAC is proud to endorse Rachel Rossi to be the next District Attorney (DA) of Los Angeles, California. Rachel Rossi has been a clarifying voice in her candidacy. She has been unapologetic in taking on DA Lacey in her policies but also publicly.
The current DA, Jackie Lacey, fueled the mass incarceration machine, opposed key reforms (ending cash bail, legalizing marijuana, repealing the death penalty), and failed to hold police accountable for brutalizing communities. Under Lacey’s watch, Los Angeles sentenced more people to death than any other county in the country – all people of color.
As a former Public Defender, Rachel understands how unjust our criminal legal system is. We can depend on Rachel Rossi to stand with immigrants, treat kids like kids, and end the school-to-prison pipeline.