Rachael Rollins
Former District Attorney, Suffolk County, MA
The Real Justice PAC proudly endorses justice advocate Rachael Rollins to be the next District Attorney of Suffolk County, MA. As the first person of color to be general counsel of MassDOT and the former president of the Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association, Rachael has a long record of breaking barriers in Massachusetts, and is now running on a strong platform for justice reform. The time for change is now and Rachael Rollins is the most credible candidate to bring the change and progress that Suffolk County deserves.
Already, Rachael Rollins has called for an end to the criminalization of addiction, poverty, and mental illness. She has spoken out against close relationships between police officers and and the DA’s office as well, citing a need for outside investigations into officer-involved shootings.
“While Massachusetts is known as a more progressive state, the reality on the ground is that on matters of criminal justice reform, little progress has been made,” said Shaun King, Co-Founder of The Real Justice PAC. “Rachael Rollins has a bold vision for reform that will lead us forward. She would be a world class District Attorney for all of Suffolk County, and lead as a strong example for progressive District Attorneys nationwide.”
Less than 1% of the nation’s District Attorneys are women of color. This is wrong. Now more than ever before, we need to elect diverse, reform-minded prosecutors in key District Attorney races across the country. In Suffolk County, Rachael Rollins is the champion for justice we need.